Consuming renewable electricity
is the CSR policy that can make all the difference.
Take action now with Origo and power your organization with renewable energy without changing your electricity or gas supplier.
It’s simple
A single point of contact
to act anywhere in the world.

It’s flexible
Tailor-made solutions
adapted to your CSR policy.
It’s knowledgeable
A comprehension of both
the legal framework and the green electricity market.

“ When we were convinced that the Guarantees of Origin were something positive, understanding its mechanism, we preferred to work with an operator who was independent of the sale of electricity and whose business was the management and sale of GO certificates. “
Mathieu Boselli, Energy Leader
They talk about us

“The demand for Guarantees of Origin that certify renewable and local energy is growing. Interview with our Origo Key Account Manager…“
Learn more (French)
“Interview with our Key Account Manager from Origo, the B2B platform for consuming electricity from renewable sources. Interview with energy comparator!“
Learn more (French)